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Monthly Archives: August 2007

Checking SAP R/3 Database via BRTOOLS

BRTOOLS is a database tool developed by SAP to help SAP Basis manage his Oracle based SAP R/3 database. In the last tutorial, I had shown you how to check your database through DB13 tcode. DB13 is database independent tcode to manage your database whether you’re using MS SQL, Oracle, DB2, or SAPDB.

Here, I am going to demonstrate how to use BRTOOLS to check your Oracle 9i database. You need to logon to your SAP R/3 server using ORA[SID] user.

Type BRTOOLS on your console and then you’ll have this screen. For your information, I’am using UNIX OS. It might be different when you’re using Windows OS.

Choose number 6 option by typing 6 and then press ENTER.

To check your database choose number 1 option and then press ENTER.

In this screen, you might need to input some information about your database such as your SAP Database profile, your database user and password, database owner, and something you might not want to be checked. For this moment, I am using default properties and press ENTER.

This screen show you BRTOOLS confirmation. Just type C and then press ENTER to proceed to the next step.

Press ENTER to proceed.

Now, you’ll see that database check process is running. Wait until it finished.

Type S to stop and exit from BRTOOLS menu. Now you had learn how to check your SAP R/3 database by using DB13 tcode and BRTOOLS command. In the next tutorial, I’ll show you another tips and trick that might be useful and helpful. Stay there and always connected.

Critics and suggestion are welcomed. Please feel free to contact me on devratt@yahoo.com.

Checking SAP R/3 Database

Most Basis jobs are related with database server. Whether you’re using Microsoft SQL server from Microsoft, Oracle Database from Oracle, DB2 Universal Database from IBM or SAPDB from MySQL AB, all your job are facing with them closely.

SAP are design its database very complex and beatiful. SAP also develop database tools to accompany you as Basis in order free you from complicated and frustated database specific related jobs such as rebuilding index, checking tablespace, checking whole database, updating your database statistic, monitoring your database growth, etc.

I just going to explain about BRTOOLS for Oracle because I only have Oracle database right now. BRTOOLS has numerous tools inside it.

To check your Oracle database, you can go to your SAP screen. Go to DB13 tcode.

Double click on current date.

Choose Check Database.

If you want to run check database command now, just choose Start Immedietly. But if you wan to run it later, just schedule it on appropriate time.

Happy checking your database. Send your suggestion to me on devratt@yahoo.com.

Print SAP documents using Linux

A lot of people keep asking me how to print SAP R/3 documents using printer attached on Linux PC.

SAPGUI for Java is already installed on my Linux PC but I was unable to print any SAP documents ? We can’t use Frontend Printing (F acces method) since there was no SAPLPD program on it. Tell me how ??


Installation and Configuration of SAPGUI for Java on Linux

Based on many questions in my email inbox, asking how to install and configure SAPGUI for Java on Linux, here I’ll explain it briefly.

Prepare these stuffs before you can proceed to installation :

  1. You have to make sure that your Linux system has been installed with JRE (Java Runtime Environment) from SUN Microsystem (http://java.sun.com). If you don;t have it, just download it from here. Some of linux distros such as Fedora, Ubuntu, OpenSuSE etc using JRE from GNU called GIJ (GNU for Java). We can’t use this JRE. We need to replaced it. I’ll show you how to changed it later.


Checking SAP R/3 tablespaces

SAP R/3 are ERP software using large database. Usually commercial databases such Oracle, DB2, Informix is used as its database server. Mine using Oracle

SAP tcode DB02 is use to check database size, tablespaces size, current statistic, checking freespace statistic, analyze detailed tablespace, checking missing indexes, and space critical objects. Actually, we can do more than that.

SAP R/3 installation created 6 tablespaces by default. Here are name of their tablespaces :

  • PSAP[SID]620

I am using SAP R/3 Enterprises 4.7 ext 200 version. It may be different if you are using old or new ones.

SAP R/3 data is saved on PSAP[SID] tablespace. So, we need to managed this tablespace carefully.

When you type DB02,

Press Space Statistic button to find out tablespace size and its growth. Tablespace’s growth can be seen daily, weekly, or monthly.

To check tablespace current size, just click Current Size button.

Click on PSAP[SID] tablespace and then, click Freespace Analysis.

If your PSAP[SID] tablespace size is reaching 95% level, you should consider increasing its size. You can use BRTOOLS to increase tablespace size. We’ll talk about BRTOOLS later.

First Intro to SAP

SAP is known as world largest business software company with its product such as SAP R/3, SAP NetWeaver, SAP Business Intelligent Warehouse, SAP Solution Manager, SAP Advanced Planner and Oprimizer, etc.

SAP was founded by five former IBM employees in Mannheim, Germany. SAP was stand for Systeme, Anwendungen und Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung (“Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing”). Currently, SAP headquarters is on Walldorf, Germany.

SAP’s products focus on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) with its main product SAP ERP.

SAP R/3 implementation usually held by consutant company certified by SAP. SAP customers are spread widely all over the world. Some of Indonesian’s company that implement SAP solution are Astra, Indofood, Blue Bird, Sari Husada, etc.